Matthew 8:1

Matthew 8:1._And when he had come down from the mountain _Matthew now returns to the course of the history. He had formerly said, that Christ _went up into a mountain, _(verse 1) then he threw, as it were, into one heap, many leading points of the doctrine of Christ; and now he adds that, about the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:2

2._Approaching, worshipped _What is the meaning of the verb προσκυνεῖν, which is rendered in the Latin version, _adorare, _to _adore _or _worship, _may be easily learned from this passage. For the exposition of it we may rely on the other two Evangelists, of whom _Mark _says, that he _fell on his kn... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:3

3._Having stretched out his hand, he touched _Under the Law, the _touch _of a _leper _was infectious; but as Christ possesses such purity as to repel all filth and defilement, he does not, by touching, either pollute himself with leprosy, or become a transgressor of the law. When he took upon him ou... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:4

4._And Jesus saith to him, See that thou tell it not to any one _Some persons, by way of excusing the _leper, _think that Christ did not seriously forbid him to publish the miracle, but rather gave him an additional excitement to do so. Others more justly consider the reason of the prohibition to ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:5

Matthew 8:5._And when Jesus had entered _Those who think that Matthew and Luke give different narratives, are led into a mistake by a mere trifle. The only difference in the words is, that Matthew says that _the centurion came to him, _while Luke says that he sent some of the Jews to plead in his na... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:8

Matthew 8:8._Lord, I do not deserve that thou shouldest come under my roof _Matthew’s narrative is more concise, and represents the man as saying this; while Luke explains more fully, that this was a message sent by his friends: but the meaning of both is the same. There are two leading points in th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:9

Matthew 8:9._For I am a man subject to the power of another _This comparison does not imply equality between the two cases, but is taken from the less to the greater. He forms a higher conception of the divine power, which is manifested in Christ, than of the authority which was possessed by himself... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:10

10._Jesus wondered. _Wonder cannot apply to God, for it arises out of what is new and unexpected: but it might exist in Christ, for he had clothed himself with our flesh, and with human affections. _Not even in Israel have I found so great faith _This is not spoken absolutely, but in a particular po... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:11

11._Many will come from the east and west _In the person of the servant, Christ gave to the Gentiles a taste and a kind of first-fruits of his grace. He now shows, that the master is an example of the future calling of the Gentiles, and of the spread of faith throughout the whole world: for he says... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:12

12._But the children of the kingdom _Why does he call those persons _children of the kingdom, _who were nothing less than children of Abraham? for those who are aliens from the faith have no right to be considered a part of God’s flock. I answer: Though they did not actually belong to the Church of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:13

13._Go away, and as thou believest, so may it be to thee _Hence it is evident how graciously Christ pours out his grace, when he finds the vessel of faith open. Though he addresses these words to the centurion, there can be no doubt that, in his person, he invites us all to strong hope. Hence we are... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:17

Matthew 8:17._That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet. _This prediction has the appearance of being inappropriate, and even of being tortured into a meaning which it does not bear: for Isaiah does not there speak of miracles, but of the death of Christ, — and not of tempora... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:18

Matthew 8:18_And when Jesus had seen great multitudes about him. _Matthew, I have no doubt, touches briefly what the others explain in a more ample and copious narrative. The other two state a circumstance, which is not noticed by Matthew that Christ withdrew privately, for the sake of retirement, _... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:19

Matthew 8:19._And a scribe approaching. _Two men are here presented to us by Matthew, and three by Luke, all of whom were prepared to become disciples of Christ, but who, having been prevented by a diversity of vices from following the right course, receive a corresponding variety of replies. It mig... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:20

20._Foxes have holes. _The Son of God describes by these words what was his condition while he lived on the earth, but, at the same time, informs his disciples what sort of life they must be prepared to expect. And yet it is strange that Christ should say, that he had not a foot of earth on which he... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:21

21._Lord, permit me to go first and bury my father. _We have said, that the scribe was rejected by Christ as a follower, because he made his offer without consideration, and imagined that he would enjoy an easy life. The person whom Christ retains had an opposite fault. He was prevented from immedia... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:22

22._Allow the dead to bury their dead. _By these words Christ does not condemn burial: for it would have been shameful and cruel to throw away the bodies of the dead unburied, and we know that the custom of burying originated in a divine command, and was practiced by the saints, in order to strength... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:23

As we shall soon meet again with the mention of a lake, where it is said (Matthew 8:33) that the swine were carried into it with violence, it is not universally agreed whether one and the same lake is mentioned in both places. The waters of Gennesareth, all admit, (536) were pleasant and healthful t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:25

25._Lord, save us _A pious prayer (538), one would think: for what else had they to do when they were lost than to implore safety from Christ? But as Christ charges them with unbelief, we must inquire in what respect they sinned. Certainly, I have no doubt that they attached too much importance to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:26

26._He rebuked the winds _Mark relates also the words of Christ, by which, addressing the sea, he enjoins _silence, _( σιώπα,) that is, _stillness _not that the lake had any perception, but to show that the power of his voice reached the elements, which were devoid of feeling. And not only the _sea... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:27

27._But the men wondered _Mark and Luke appear to say this in reference to the apostles; for, after having stated that Christ reproved them, they add that they cried out with fear, _Who is this? _It applies, however, more properly to others, who had not yet known Christ. Whether we take the one or t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:28

The error of those who think that Mark and Luke relate a different miracle from this, has been already refuted. It is the same country which was opposite, as Luke expressly states, to Galilee, that is described by the three Evangelists, and all the circumstances agree. Who then will believe that the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:29

Matthew 8:29._What have we to do with thee? _Willingly would they, by this word, drive him far from them. But when they see that they are held under restraint, and that it is in vain for them to decline his authority, they complain that they are _tormented before the time, _and likewise mingle entre... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 8:31

Matthew 8:31._Permit us to depart into the herd of swine _Some conjecture that they wished to attack the swine, because they are filled with enmity to all God’s creatures. I do admit it to be true, that they are entirely bent on confounding and overthrowing the whole order of nature which God has ap... [ Continue Reading ]

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