2_Make thee two trumpets of silver. _This passage respecting the
silver trumpets, which gave the gathering-signal, so that the people
should always be attentive to the voice and will of God, is properly
annexed to the First Commandment. For God would have the Israelites
set in motion by their sound,... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Also in the day of your gladness. _This was as if God should make
it manifest that He approved of no festivals, and that no sacrifices
pleased Him, except His command should go before them; for it was not
lawful for the people to choose this or that day, but the authority
for prescribing them wa... [ Continue Reading ]
11._And it came to pass on the twentieth day _Moses records that after
leaving Mount Sinai, the camp was first pitched in the wilderness of
Paran; and although the distance was not great, — being, as we shall
soon see, a three days’ journey, — still the fatigue was
sufficient to harass and weary the... [ Continue Reading ]
14._In the first place went the standard of the camp _The actual order
of march is here described. The whole people, with the exception of
the Levites, is divided into four hosts, or parts, since four of the
tribes were set over the others, so as to have two under the command
of each. And this was t... [ Continue Reading ]
29._And Moses said unto Hobab the son of Raguel. _Very grossly are
those mistaken who have supposed Hobab (7) to be Jethro, the
father-in-law of Moses, whom we have already seen to have returned a
few days after he had come to see him. Now, old age almost in a state
of decrepitude would have been bu... [ Continue Reading ]
31._And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee. _Moses perseveres and
urges what he had just said, that Hobab should be a sharer in the
prosperity which God had given his people reason to expect. _“To
this end” _(he says) “thou hast known all our stations in the
desert,” which words commentators do not... [ Continue Reading ]
33._And they departed from the mount of the Lord. _He calls Sinai
“the mount of the Lord,” because in no other place had God’s
glory been so conspicuously manifested. This, I admit, it had been
called by anticipation ( κατὰ πρόληψιν) before the
promulgation of the law; but this name was imposed upon... [ Continue Reading ]
35._And it came to pass, when the ark set forward. _Since their
journey was by no means a peaceful one, but the attack of enemies was
constantly to be dreaded, it was needful to beseech God that He would
go forth as if prepared for battle. Thus, too, did Moses support their
courage, lest any more im... [ Continue Reading ]
36._And when it rested, he said, Return, O Lord. _By thus praying he
also exhorts the people to be patient, lest the weariness which arose
from the delay should beget indignation. Otherwise it would have been
annoying that the time of their journeying should be protracted, so
that they would arrive... [ Continue Reading ]