1._And the children, of Israel set forward. _This narrative contains
many circumstances worthy of record: First, it shews that there is no
stone which Satan does not turn for the destruction of the Church, and
that, after he has assailed her in vain by force of arms, he attacks
her by snares and sec... [ Continue Reading ]
5._He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam. _This passage shews us,
like many others, that the errors wherein Satan entangles unbelievers
are derived from good principles. The modesty of king Balak appears to
be worthy of praise, in that, conscious of his own weakness, and
placing no confidence in... [ Continue Reading ]
8._And he said unto them, Lodge here this night. _Inasmuch as he waits
for a revelation from the true God, it is probable that he was not a
magician or sorcerer, whose only power to divine arose from
superstition or evil arts. We shall, indeed, see hereafter, that he
was accustomed to use many impos... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Thou shalt not go with them. _If there were any room for doubt,
God peremptorily removes it, and confirms the prohibition; because it
was unlawful to curse, those whom He had blessed. For nothing more is
permitted to prophets than that they should be the witnesses, or
ambassadors _(internuntii,)... [ Continue Reading ]
15._And Balak sent yet again princes. _Here we see that, however
humbly ungodly men implore God’s grace, still they do not lay aside
their pride; as if their grandeur could avail to dazzle the eyes of
God. In order, therefore, to make Him comply with their wishes, they
think it enough to display the... [ Continue Reading ]
20._And God came to Balaam at, night. _Although God is far from being
deceitful, still hypocrites with their quibbles deserve that He should
delude their craft. If we more closely consider the desire of Balaam,
it was that God should belie Himself. For, if he was persuaded that He
was truthful, what... [ Continue Reading ]
22._And God’s anger was kindled because he went. _How is it
consistent that God should be angry when Balaam had attempted nothing,
thus far, contrary to His command? But we must bear in mind, what I
have lately hinted, that God apparently permits much which He does not
approve. He allowed the people... [ Continue Reading ]
28._And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass. _Sceptical persons
criticize this passage, and ridicule it, as if Moses related an
incredible fable. And, indeed, their scoff appears to be plausible,
when they object that there is a great difference between the bray of
all ass and all articulate voice;... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam. _This passage teaches us,
that whatever be the acuteness of our senses, it is not only implanted
in us by God, but also either sustained or extinguished by His secret
inspiration. Balaam’s eyes are opened; consequently there was a veil
before them previou... [ Continue Reading ]
35._And the angel of the Lord said unto Balaam. _Again this wicked man
is ironically permitted to do what could not be carried out without
sin. But, as I have said before, he was so conscious of his ungodly
covetousness, that he knowingly and wilfully deceived himself, instead
of being deceived. At... [ Continue Reading ]
36._And whenBalak heard that Balaam was come. _This passage admirably
represents to us the spirit of all those who are devoted to their
various superstitions without a sincere fear of God. They are cringing
to their false prophets; they meanly flatter them, and hardly stop
short of worshipping them,... [ Continue Reading ]
39._And Balaam went with Balak. _Moses proceeds to relate how
honorably and sumptuously Balaam was received. And first, he records
that he was taken to the city of Huzoth; (150) which some would
understand as a proper name, others as a noun appellative. In
whichever way you take it, it denotes the e... [ Continue Reading ]