1._And it came to pass on the day that Moses _This was the second
contribution of the people, after the completion of the Tabernacle;
for although mention is only made of the princes, it is probable that
each of them presented what the whole tribe had subscribed, since
there was no private person at... [ Continue Reading ]
3._And they brought their offering before the Lord, six covered
waggons _These waggons were dedicated for the conveyance of the
tabernacle: for its pillars and many other parts of it could not be
carried on men’s shoulders; and therefore they are said to have been
_covered, _lest the things which we... [ Continue Reading ]
10._And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar _Here is
another kind of offering, viz., a silver dish and bowl from every
tribe, besides a golden spoon, (401) which properly means a censer.
Their use was as follows, — that the sacred cakes should be received
in the dishes, the wine of libat... [ Continue Reading ]
12._And he that offered his offering the first day _The oracular
declaration which God made by the mouth of Jacob is well known. “The
scepter shall not depart from Judah,” etc. (Genesis 49:10.) Non,
although the time had not yet arrived when the truth of this prophecy
should be manifested by its ful... [ Continue Reading ]
89._And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle _There seems at first
sight to be a kind of contradiction between this passage and the
other, in which we saw that a thick cloud stood in the door of the
tabernacle, so that Moses could not enter it. It might, indeed, be
answered that this only occurre... [ Continue Reading ]