13So that my bonds He employs the expression — in Christ, to mean, in the affairs, or in the cause of Christ, for he intimates that his bonds had become illustrious, so as to promote the honor of Christ. (55) The rendering given by some — through Christ, seems forced. I have also employed the word illustria (illustrious) in preference to manifesta , (manifest,) — as having ennobled the gospel by their fame. (56) “Satan, indeed, has attempted it, and the wicked have thought that it would turn out so, that the gospel would be destroyed; but God has frustrated both the attempts of the former and the expectations of the latter, (57) and that in two ways, for while the gospel was previously obscure and unknown, it has come to be well known, and not only so, but has even been rendered honorable in the Praetorium , no less than in the rest of the city.” By the praetorium I understand the hall and palace of Nero, which Fabius (58) and writers of that age call Augustale , (the Augustal.) For as the name praetor was at first a general term, and denoted all magistrates who held the chief sway, (hence it came that the dictator was called the sovereign praetor, (59)) it, consequently, became customary to employ the term praetorium in war to mean the tent, either of the consul, (60) or of the person who presided, (61) while in the city it denoted the palace of Caesar, (62) from the time that the Cesars took possession of the monarchy. (63) Independently of this, the bench of praetor is also called the praetorium (64)

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