1._Fret not thyself because of the wicked. _David lays down this as a
general principle, that the prosperity of the wicked, in which they
greatly rejoice, should on no account vex or disquiet the children of
God, because it will soon fade away. On the other hand, although the
people of God are affli... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Put thy trust in Jehovah, and do good. _The inspired writer now
goes on, in the second place, to say, that every thing in the end
shall be well with the righteous, because they are under the
protection of God. But as there is nothing better or more desirable
than to enjoy the fostering and protec... [ Continue Reading ]
4._And delight thyself in Jehovah _This delight is set in opposition
to the vain and deceitful allurements of the world, which so
intoxicate the ungodly, that despising the blessing of God, they dream
of no other happiness than what presents itself for the time before
their eyes. This contrast betwe... [ Continue Reading ]
5._Roll _(22) _thy ways upon Jehovah. _Here David illustrates and
confirms the doctrine contained in the preceding verse. In order that
God may accomplish our desires, it behoves us to cast all our cares
upon him in the exercise of hope and patience. Accordingly, we are
taught from this passage how... [ Continue Reading ]
6._And he will bring forth thy righteousness as the light _This David
says, in order to anticipate the misgivings which often trouble us
when we seem to lose our labor in faithfully serving God, and in
dealing uprightly with our neighbors; nay, when our integrity is
either exposed to the calumnies o... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Be silent to Jehovah. _The Psalmist continues the illustration of
the same doctrine, namely, that we should patiently and meekly bear
those things that usually disquiet our minds; for amid innumerable
sources of disquietude and conflict there is need of no small
patience. By the similitude of _si... [ Continue Reading ]
The accumulation of terms which occurs in the next verse, in which he
lays a restraint as with a bridle upon anger, allays wrath and
assuages passion, it is not superfluous; but, as in necessary, he
rather prescribes numerous remedies for a disease which it is
difficult to cure. By this means, he re... [ Continue Reading ]
9._For the wicked shall be cut off. _It is not without cause that he
repeatedly inculcates the same thing, namely, that the happiness and
prosperity which the ungodly enjoy is only a mask or phantom; for the
first sight of it so dazzles our senses, that we are unable to form a
proper estimate of wha... [ Continue Reading ]
10_Yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be. _This is a
confirmation of the preceding verse. It might well have been objected,
that the actual state of things in the world is very different from
what David here represents it, since the ungodly riot in their
pleasures, and the people of God pi... [ Continue Reading ]
12._The wicked plotteth against the righteous. _David here anticipates
an objection which might have been taken to the preceding verse.
Where, it might be said, can tranquillity and joy be found when the
wicked are mad with rage, and plot every kind of mischief against the
children of God? And how s... [ Continue Reading ]
14._The wicked draw their sword, and bend their bow. _David now goes
on to say, that the ungodly, being armed with sword and bow, threaten
with death the children of God; and this he does in order to meet the
temptation which would otherwise overwhelm them. The promises of God
do not have place in a... [ Continue Reading ]
In the 15th verse, David is not speaking of the laughter of God, but
is denouncing vengeance against the ungodly, just as we have already
seen in the second psalm, at the fourth verse, that although God, by
conniving at the wicked, has often suffered them for a time to run to
every excess in mirth a... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Better is the little of the righteous, etc _This verse, without
any sufficient reason, has been variously rendered. The word המון
_, hamon, _(32) which is rendered _abundance, _indeed, sometimes
signifies a great multitude of men, and sometimes abundance of things;
sometimes, too, an adjective o... [ Continue Reading ]
18_Jehovah knoweth the days of the upright _(34) It is not without
good reason that David so frequently inculcates this doctrine, that
the righteous are blessed because God provides for their necessities.
We see how prone the minds of men are to distrust, and how much they
are vexed by an excess of... [ Continue Reading ]
19_They shall not be ashamed in the season of adversity _This verse
also shows us, that the faithful have no right to expect such
exemption as the flesh would desire from affliction and trial, but
they are assured of deliverance in the end; which, though it be indeed
obtained, yet it is of such a na... [ Continue Reading ]
20_For the wicked shall perish. _The causal particle כי, ki, which
is here translated _for, _might also be rendered as if used
adversatively by _but _or _although, _unless, perhaps, some would
prefer to expound the sentence as of much higher import. But the
preferable interpretation is, that there i... [ Continue Reading ]
21_The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again _Those are mistaken who
suppose that the wicked are here blamed for their treachery in
carrying off the goods of others by fraud and deception; and that, on
the other hand, the children of God are commended for their kindness
in being always ready to rel... [ Continue Reading ]
23_The footsteps of a man are directed by Jehovah _Some join together
these two things, first, that the footsteps of the godly are ordered
by the grace of God, since men do not in their own strength follow
what is just and right, but only in so far as the Spirit of God
directs them; and hence the se... [ Continue Reading ]
24_Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down _This verse has
generally been interpreted proverbially, and as meaning, that though
the righteous may fall into sin, his fall is not deadly; but this is
not at all in accordance with the design of the prophet, who is
discoursing of the happiness... [ Continue Reading ]
25_I have been young, I am also become old. _The meaning of these
words is not in the least doubtful, namely, that David, even when he
was become an old man, had not seen any of the righteous, or any of
their children, begging their bread. But here there arises a question
of some difficulty with res... [ Continue Reading ]
26_He is daily merciful _The Psalmist here repeats what he had already
said, that the grace of God is a fountain of all blessings which can
never be exhausted; and, therefore, while it is displayed towards the
faithful, they not only have enough for the supply of their own wants,
but are able also l... [ Continue Reading ]
27_Depart from evil, and do good. _In this verse David argues, that,
in order to realize the blessedness of which he has spoken, we must
abstain from all evil, perform the duties of humanity, and exert
ourselves in doing good to our neighbors. This doctrine is at variance
with the dictates of corrup... [ Continue Reading ]
28_For Jehovah loveth judgement. _This, it ought to be observed, is a
confirmation of the doctrine contained in the preceding sentence; and
it is here made to rest upon a higher principle, namely, that God
takes pleasure in righteousness and truth. The argument indeed appears
to be incomplete; but a... [ Continue Reading ]
29_The righteous shall inherit the earth _The repetition of the same
doctrine here is not superfluous, since it is so very difficult to
impress it deeply upon our minds. For while all men seek after
happiness, scarcely one in a hundred looks for it from God, but rather
all, on the contrary, in makin... [ Continue Reading ]
30_The mouth of the righteous will speak wisdom _As it is customary
with hypocrites confidently to draw to their own advantage whatever
the Spirit of God declares concerning the just and upright, David here
gives a definition of the righteousness which God requires on the part
of his children, and d... [ Continue Reading ]
To this there is added integrity of heart: _The law of the Lord is in
his heart. _This, though it should precede in point of order, is not
improperly put in the second place here. For the Scriptures are not
particular in observing an exact arrangement in the enumeration of
virtues and vices. Besides... [ Continue Reading ]
32.and 33._The wicked watcheth the righteous, etc. _David here
illustrates more plainly the nature of the possession of the earth, of
which he had spoken, namely, that God preserves his own people, though
they are beset with enemies round about. And hence we are again
taught, that the faithful are n... [ Continue Reading ]
34_Wait upon Jehovah, and keep his way _David again returns to the
style of exhortation, in order that the faithful, trusting to God’s
promises and sustained by them, may not suffer themselves to be drawn
hither and thither by any temptations through devious and sinful ways,
but may persevere steadf... [ Continue Reading ]
35.and36_I have seen the wicked terrible, etc. _David here confirms
from his own experience what I have just said, namely, that although
the wicked are intoxicated with their prosperity, and held in
admiration by all on account of it, yet their happiness is transitory
and evanescent, and, therefore,... [ Continue Reading ]
37_Observe the perfect man _David exhorts the faithful diligently to
consider every instance they may meet with of the grace of God, as
well as of his judgment; but he teaches, at the same time, that it is
in vain for any to sit in judgment upon the first aspect of things.
When men do not wait patie... [ Continue Reading ]
39_The salvation of the righteous is from Jehovah _The sum of the
whole is, that whatever may happen, the righteous shall be saved,
because they are in the hand of God, and can never be forgotten by
him. This ought to be particularly noticed, that those who are greatly
afflicted may be sustained by... [ Continue Reading ]