1._Save me, O God! _As David was at this time placed beyond the reach
of human assistance, he must be understood as praying to be saved by
the _name _and _the power of God, _In an emphatical sense, or by these
in contradistinction to the usual means of deliverance. Though all
help must ultimately co... [ Continue Reading ]
2._Hear my prayer, O God! _The language is expressive of his
earnestness. He was led to this fervor of supplication by the
extremity of his present circumstances, which is alluded to in the
following verse, where he complains of being surrounded by men fierce,
barbarous, and unrestrained by a sense... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Behold! God is my helper _Such language as this may show us that
David did not direct his prayers at random into the air, but offered
them in the exercise of a lively faith. There is much force in the
demonstrative adverb. He points, as it were, with the finger, to that
God who stood at his side... [ Continue Reading ]
5._He shall reward evil unto mine enemies _As the verb ישיב _,
yashib, _may be rendered _he shall cause to return, _(292) it seems to
point not only at the punishment, but the kind of punishment, which
would be awarded to his enemies, in the recoiling of their wicked
machinations upon their own head... [ Continue Reading ]
6._I will freely sacrifice unto thee. _According to his usual custom,
he engages, provided deliverance should be granted, to feel a grateful
sense of it; and there can be no doubt that he here promises also to
return thanks to God, in a formal manner, when he should enjoy an
opportunity of doing so.... [ Continue Reading ]