Psalms 97:1

1_Jehovah reigns _His inviting men to rejoice, is a proof that the reign of God is inseparably connected with the salvation and best happiness of mankind. And, the joy he speaks of being common to the whole world and to the regions beyond the seas, it is evident that he predicts the enlargement of G... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:6

6_The heavens have declared his righteousness _Here he states that there would be such an illustrious display of the righteousness of God, that the heavens themselves would herald it. The meaning is not the same as in the beginning of the nineteenth psalm, “The heavens declare the glory of God,” etc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:7

7_Confounded be all those who serve graven images. _The Psalmist draws a broad distinction here, as in the psalm next to this, between the true God and the false gods which men form for themselves. This he does that the praise which he had ascribed might not be applied to any but the true God. Men a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:8

8_Zion heard, and was glad _In the former part of the psalm he had spoken of that joy which should be common to all the world. Now he makes special mention of God’s chosen nation; and this partly, because they were to enjoy the first-fruits of this joy, and partly, because he would remove all occasi... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:9

9_For thou, Jehovah, art high above all the earth _Having already, in another place, explained these words, I shall not say more at present upon them. Only it is to be noticed, that there is a comparison drawn between God and the angels, and whatever has any claim to eminence. The Psalmist limits al... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:10

10_Ye that love Jehovah, hate evil _Those that fear God are here enjoined to practice righteousness, as Paul says, “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity,” (2 Timothy 2:19) He shows from the very nature of God, that we cannot be judged and acknowledged to be his servants... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 97:11

11._Light has been sown for the righteous _He confirms the truth just advanced, and anticipates an objection which might be brought against it. We have seen that the Lord’s people are often treated with the utmost cruelty and injustice, and would seem to be abandoned to the fury of their enemies. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

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