1._Let every soul, _(399) _etc. _Inasmuch as he so carefully handles
this subject in connection with what forms the Christian life, it
appears that he was constrained to do so by some great necessity which
existed especially in that age, though the preaching of the gospel at
all times renders this n... [ Continue Reading ]
2._And they who resist, etc. _As no one can resist God but to his own
ruin, he threatens, that they shall not be unpunished who in this
respect oppose the providence of God. Let us then beware, lest we
incur this denunciation. And _by judgment, _(402) I understand not
only the punishment which is in... [ Continue Reading ]
3_. For princes, etc. _He now commends to us obedience to princes on
the ground of utility; for the causative γὰρ, _for, _is to be
referred to the first proposition, and not to the last verse. Now, the
utility is this, — that the Lord has designed in this way to provide
for the tranquillity of the g... [ Continue Reading ]
4._For he is God’s minister for good, etc. _Magistrates may hence
learn what their vocation is, for they are not to rule for their own
interest, but for the public good; nor are they endued with unbridled
power, but what is restricted to the wellbeing of their subjects; in
short, they are responsibl... [ Continue Reading ]
5._It is therefore necessary, etc. _What he had at first commanded as
to the rendering of obedience to magistrates, he now briefly repeats,
but with some addition, and that is, — that we ought to obey them,
not only on the ground of necessity arising from man, but that we
thereby obey God; for by _w... [ Continue Reading ]
6._For this reason also, etc. _He takes occasion to introduce the
subject of tributes, the reason for which he deduces from the office
of magistrates; for if it be their duty to defend and safely preserve
the peace of the good, and to resist the mischievous attempts of the
wicked, this they cannot d... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Render then to all what is due, etc. _The Apostle seems here
summarily to include the particulars in which the duties of subjects
towards magistrates consist, — that they are to hold them in esteem
and honor, that they are to obey their edicts, laws, and judgments,
— that they are to pay tributes... [ Continue Reading ]
8._To no one owe ye, etc. _There are those who think that this was not
said without a taunt, as though Paul was answering the objection of
those who _contended _that Christians were burdened in having other
precepts than that of love enjoined them. And indeed I do not deny,
but that it may be taken... [ Continue Reading ]
9._For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, etc. _It cannot be from
this passage concluded what precepts are contained in the second
table, for he subjoins at the end, _and if there be any other precept
_He indeed omits the command respecting the honoring of parents; and
it may seem strange, that w... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Love doeth no evil to a neighbor, etc. _He demonstrates by the
effect, that under the word love are contained those things which are
taught us in all the commandments; for he who is endued with true love
will never entertain the thought of injuring others. What else does
the whole law forbid, bu... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Moreover, etc. _He enters now on another subject of exhortation,
that as the rays of celestial life had begun to shine on us as it were
at the dawn, we ought to do what they are wont to do who are in public
life and in the sight of men, who take diligent care lest they should
commit anything tha... [ Continue Reading ]
12._The night has advanced, and the day_, _etc. _This is the season
which he had just mentioned; for as the faithful are not as yet
received into full light, he very fitly compares to the dawn the
knowledge of future life, which shines on us through the gospel: for
_day _is not put here, as in other... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Not in reveling, etc. _He mentions here three kinds of vices, and
to each he has given two names, — intemperant and excess in living,
— carnal lust and uncleanness, which is connected with it, — and
envy and contention. If these have in them so much filthiness, that
even carnal men are ashamed t... [ Continue Reading ]
14._But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, etc. _This metaphor is
commonly used in Scripture with respect to what tends to adorn or to
deform man; both of which may be seen in his clothing: for a filthy
and torn garment dishonors a man; but what is becoming and clean
recommends him. Now to _put on _Ch... [ Continue Reading ]