1._There is then, etc. _After having described the contest which the
godly have perpetually with their own flesh, he returns to the
consolation, which was very needful for them, and which he had before
mentioned; and it was this, — That though they were still beset by
sin, they were yet exempt fiom... [ Continue Reading ]
2._For the law of the Spirit of life, etc. _This is a confirmation of
the former sentence; and that it may be understood, the meaning of the
words must be noticed. Using a language not strictly correct, by
the_law of the Spirit _he designates the Spirit of God, who sprinkles
our souls with the blood... [ Continue Reading ]
3._For what was impossible for the law_, _etc. _Now follows the
polishing or the adorning of his proof, that the Lord has by his
gratuitous mercy justified us in Christ; the very thing which it was
impossible for the law to do. But as this is a very remarkable
sentence, let us examine every part of... [ Continue Reading ]
4._That the justification of the law might be fulfilled_, _etc. _They
who understand that the renewed, by the Spirit of Christ, fulfil the
law, introduce a gloss wholly alien to the meaning of Paul; for the
faithful, while they sojourn in this world, never make such a
proficiency, as that the justif... [ Continue Reading ]
5._For they who are after the flesh, etc. _He introduces this
difference between the flesh and the Spirit, not only to confirm, by
an argument derived from what is of an opposite character, what he has
before mentioned, — that the grace of Christ belongs to none but to
those who, having been regener... [ Continue Reading ]
6._The minding of the flesh_, _etc. _[Erasmus ] has rendered it
“affection,” (_affectum _ _;_) the old translator, “prudence,”
(_prudentiam _.) But as it is certain that the το φρονημα of
Paul is the same with what Moses calls the imagination (_figmentum _
— devising) of the heart, (Genesis 6:5;) an... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Because the minding of the flesh, _(247) _etc. _He subjoins a proof
of what he had stated, — that nothing proceeds from the efforts of
our flesh but death, because it contends as an enemy against the will
of God. Now the will of God is the rule of righteousness; it hence
follows, that whatever is... [ Continue Reading ]
8._They then who are in the flesh, etc. _It is not without reason that
I have rendered the adversative δὲ as an illative: for the Apostle
infers from what had been said, that those who give themselves up to
be guided by the lusts of the flesh, are all of them abominable before
God; and he has thus f... [ Continue Reading ]
9._But ye_, _etc. _He applies hypothetically a general truth to those
to whom he was writing; not only that by directing his discourse to
them particularly he might more powerfully affect them, but also that
they might with certainty gather from the description already given,
that they were of the n... [ Continue Reading ]
10._But if Christ be in us_, _etc. _What he had before said of the
Spirit he says now of Christ, in order that the mode of Christ’s
dwelling in us might be intimated; for as by the Spirit he consecrates
us as temples to himself, so by the same he dwells in us. But what we
have before referred to, he... [ Continue Reading ]
11._If the Spirit_, _etc. _This is a confirmation of the last verse,
derived from the efficient cause, and according to this sense, —
“Since by the power of God’s Spirit Christ was raised, and since
the Spirit possesses eternal power, he will also exert the same with
regard to us.” And he takes it a... [ Continue Reading ]
12._So then, brethren_, _etc. _This is the conclusion of what has been
previously said; for if we are to renounce the flesh, we ought not to
consent to it; and if the Spirit ought to reign in us, it is
inconsistent not to attend to his bidding. Paul’s sentence is here
defective, for he omits the oth... [ Continue Reading ]
13._For if ye will live after the flesh, etc. _He adds a threatening,
in order more effectually to shake off their torpor; by which also
they are fully confuted who boast of justification by faith without
the Spirit of Christ, though they are more than sufficiently convicted
by their own conscience;... [ Continue Reading ]
14._For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God_, _etc. _This is a
confirmation of what has immediately preceded; for he teaches us, that
those only are deemed the sons of God who are ruled by his Spirit; for
by this mark God acknowledges them as his own people. Thus the empty
boasting of hypocrites... [ Continue Reading ]
15.]He now confirms the certainty of that confidence, in which he has
already bidden the faithful to rest secure; and he does this by
mentioning the special effect produced by the Spirit; for he has not
been given for the purpose of harassing us with trembling or of
tormenting us with anxiety; but o... [ Continue Reading ]
16._The Spirit himself_, _etc. _He does not simply say, that God’s
Spirit is a witness to our spirit, but he adopts a compound verb,
which might be rendered “contest,” (_contestatur _,) were it not
that contestation (_contestatio _) has a different meaning in Latin.
But Paul means, that the Spirit o... [ Continue Reading ]
17._And if children_, _etc. _By an argument, taken from what is
annexed or what follows, he proves that our salvation consists in
having God as our Father. It is for children that inheritance is
appointed: since God then has adopted us as his children, he has at
the same time ordained an inheritance... [ Continue Reading ]
18._I indeed judge_, (258) _etc. _Though they take not altogether an
unsuitable view who understand this as a kind of modification; yet I
prefer to regard it in the light of an encouragement, for the purpose
of anticipating an objection, according to this import, — “It
ought not indeed to be grievou... [ Continue Reading ]
19_For the intent expectation of the creation_, _etc. _He teaches us
that there is an example of the patience, to which he had exhorted us,
even in mute creatures. For, to omit various interpretations, I
understand the passage to have this meaning — that there is no
element and no part of the world... [ Continue Reading ]
20._For to vanity has the creation, etc. _He shows the object of
expectation from what is of an opposite character; for as creatures,
being now subject to corruption, cannot be restored until the sons of
God shall be wholly restore; hence they, longing for their renewal,
look forward to the manifest... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Because the creation itself_, _etc. _He shows how the creation has
in hope been made subject to vanity; that is, inasmuch as it shall
some time be made free, according to what Isaiah testifies, and what
Peter confirms still more clearly. It is then indeed meet for us to
consider what a dreadful... [ Continue Reading ]
22._For we know_, _etc. _He repeats the same sentiment, that he might
pass over to us, though what is now said has the effect and the form
of a conclusion; for as creatures are subject to corruption, not
through their natural desire, but through the appointment of God, and
then, as they have a hope... [ Continue Reading ]
23._And not only so_, _etc. _There are those who think that the
Apostle intended here to exalt the dignity of our future blessedness,
and by this proof, because all things look for it with ardent desire;
not only the irrational parts of creation, but we also who have been
regenerated by the Spirit o... [ Continue Reading ]
24._For by hope_, _etc. _Paul strengthens his exhortation by another
argument; for our salvation cannot be separated from some kind of
death, and this he proves by the nature of hope. Since hope extends to
things not yet obtained, and represents to our minds the form of
things hidden and far remote,... [ Continue Reading ]
25._If then what we see not_, _etc. _This is an argument derived from
what the antecedent implies; for patience necessarily follows hope.
For when it is grievous to be without the good you may desire, unless
you sustain and comfort yourselves with patience, you must necessarily
faint through despair... [ Continue Reading ]
26._And likewise the Spirit_, _etc. _That the faithful may not make
this objection — that they are so weak as not to be able to bear so
many and so heavy burdens, he brings before them the aid of the
Spirit, which is abundantly sufficient to overcome all difficulties.
There is then no reason for any... [ Continue Reading ]
27._But he who searches hearts_, _etc. _This is a remarkable reason
for strengthening our confidence, that we are heard by God when we
pray through his Spirit, for he thoroughly knows our desires, even as
the thoughts of his own Spirit. And here must be noticed the
suitableness of the word to _know;... [ Continue Reading ]
28._And we know_, _etc. _He now draws this conclusion from what had
been said, that so far are the troubles of this life from hindering
our salvation, that, on the contrary, they are helps to it. It is no
objection that he sets down an illative particle, for it is no new
thing with him to make somew... [ Continue Reading ]
29._For whom he has foreknown_, _etc. _He then shows, by the very
order of election, that the afflictions of the faithful are nothing
else than the manner by which they are conformed to the image of
Christ; and that this was necessary, he had before declared. There is
therefore no reason for us to b... [ Continue Reading ]
30._And whom he has foredetermined_, ( præfinivit,) _them has he also
called_, _etc. _That he might now by a clearer proof show how true it
is that a conformity with the humiliating state of Christ is for our
good, he adopts a graduating process, by which he teaches us, that a
participation of the c... [ Continue Reading ]
31._What then_, _etc. _The subject discussed having been sufficiently
proved, he now breaks out into exclamations, by which he sets forth
the magnanimity with which the faithful ought to be furnished when
adversities urge them to despond. And he teaches us in these words
that with the paternal favor... [ Continue Reading ]
32._He who has not spared his own son, etc. _As it greatly concerns us
to be so thoroughly persuaded of the paternal love of God, as to be
able to retain our rejoicing on its account, Paul brings forward the
price of our redemption in order to prove that God favors us: and
doubtless it is a remarkab... [ Continue Reading ]
33._Who shall bring an accusation, etc. _The first and the chief
consolation of the godly in adversities, is to be fully persuaded of
the paternal kindness of God; for hence arises the certainty of their
salvation, and that calm quietness of the soul through which it comes
that adversities are sweet... [ Continue Reading ]
34._Who is he that condemns? etc. _As no one by accusing can prevail,
when the judge absolves; so there remains no condemnation, when
satisfaction is given to the laws, and the penalty is already paid.
Now Christ is he, who, having once for all suffered the punishment due
to us, thereby declared tha... [ Continue Reading ]
35._Who shall separate us_, _etc. _The conviction of safety is now
more widely extended, even to lower things; for he who is persuaded of
God’s kindness towards him, is able to stand firm in the heaviest
afflictions. These usually harass men in no small degree, and for
various reasons, — because the... [ Continue Reading ]
36._As it is written_, _etc. _This testimony adds no small weight to
the subject; for he intimates, that the dread of death is so far from
being a reason to us for falling away, that it has been almost ever
the lot of God’s servants to have death as it were present before
their eyes. It is indeed pr... [ Continue Reading ]
37._We do more than conquer_, _etc._; that is, we always struggle and
emerge. I have retained the word used by Paul, (276) though not
commonly used by the Latins. It indeed sometimes happens that the
faithful seem to succumb and to lie forlorn; and thus the Lord not
only tries, but also humbles them... [ Continue Reading ]
38.He is now carried away into hyperbolic expressions, that he might
confirm us more fully in those things which are to be experienced.
Whatever, he says, there is in life or in death, which seems capable
of tearing us away from God, shall effect nothing; nay, the very
angels, were they to attempt t... [ Continue Reading ]
39._Which is in Christ_, _etc. _That is, of which Christ is the bond;
for he is the beloved Son, in whom the Father is well pleased. If,
then, we are through him united to God, we may be assured of the
immutable and unfailing kindness of God towards us. He now speaks here
more distinctly than before... [ Continue Reading ]