Zechariah 6:1

Here we have another vision; and the Prophet distinguishes it from the former visions by saying, that he _turned_, as though he had said, that there had been some intervening time. They were not then continued visions, but he turned himself elsewhere, and then he raised up his eyes, and the Lord rev... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:2

With regard to the chariots, we have seen elsewhere that angels are compared to horsemen; for these ride swiftly as it were through the whole world to execute what God commands them: so also whatever changes take place, they are called the chariots of God; for either angels are ready at hand to do a... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:3

As to the last chariot, the Prophet says, that it went forth _toward the south_, and then it went elsewhere, and even through the whole world, for God had so permitted. Now as to the meaning of this Prophecy nothing will remain obscure, if we hold these elements of truth — that all events are design... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:4

The Prophet asks the angel again; and by his example we are taught to shake off every indifference, and to render ourselves both teachable and attentive to God if we desire to make progress in the knowledge of these predictions; for if Zechariah, who had separated himself from the world and raised u... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:5

I come now to the words, _The angel answered, These are four spirits_, _etc_. Some give another rendering, _These _chariots _go forth to the four winds_, or parts of heaven; but this is forced, and the words simply mean, “these are four spirits.” The word spirit, I have no doubt, has led interpreter... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:6

Zechariah explains here each part of the prophecy; but he shows at the same time that two of the chariots hastened towards Chaldea, that it might not be grievous to the Jews that they in the first place had to experience God’s judgment. He then shows that God sent his messengers to all parts; but th... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:7

But he says, that being not satisfied with the land of the south, they asked of God permission to go to and fro through the whole world. And though neither the devil nor the wicked regard God’s bidding, but are led, without knowing and against their will, wherever God drives them; yet the Prophet sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:8

From this verse we learn that the chief object of the vision was — that the Jews might know that the dreadful tumults in Chaldea, which had in part happened, and were yet to take place, were not excited without a design, but that all things were regulated by God’s hidden counsel, and also that God h... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:9

This vision was given to Zechariah that he might inspire weak minds with better hope; for the Jews found that they were hardly pressed on every side by their neighbors, inasmuch as enemies rose up against them before and behind, so that there was no end to their troubles. Hence they who had returned... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:10

Let us now inquire, why the Prophet was bid to take gold from four men; for he says, _Take from the transmigration_. The word הגולה, _egule_, is to be taken in a collective sense, as in many other places. _Take _then from the exiles, who have now returned from Babylon to their own country. But he af... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:11

The Prophet is bid to _set the two crowns on the head of the high priest_. This, as I have said, was intended as a symbol to denote the union of the two dignities in the person of Christ. It was necessary until the coming of Christ to select the high priest from the posterity of Aaron; and it was al... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:12

The vision is now explained; for if the chief priest, without this explanation, had been adorned with two crowns, there must have been much talk among the people, “What means this?” God here shows that what he has commanded to be done to Joshua does not belong to him, but has a reference to another,... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:13

He repeats the last thing which he had said, _Even he shall build the temple of Jehovah_. The Prophet seems here to reiterate to no purpose the same words without any additions of light: but it seems evident to me, that he meant in this way to confirm and sanction what seemed difficult to be believe... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:14

They who think that the crowns were deposited with these four men, pervert the meaning of the Prophet; for they were, on the contrary, placed in God’s temple to be a memorial to them. It hence appears; that, as I have already said, they were not required to supply the gold, because they excelled all... [ Continue Reading ]

Zechariah 6:15

The Prophet also states, that men would come from remote lands to contribute labor or wealth towards the building of the temple; for the word building may refer to either of these two things. _Come _then _shall those from far_. Before this time gifts had been presented by Gentile nations, but the te... [ Continue Reading ]

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