2 Kin. 2:11-13. Concerning Elijah's translation. Elijah's ascension into heaven seems to be a type of the ascension of Christ. Before he ascended, he asked his disciple Elisha what he should give him; so Christ when he ascended gave gifts unto men. When Elijah ascended, his mantle fell from him, which is a type of the righteousness of Christ, as righteousness is often in Scripture represented by a garment. Christ, though he himself went away, yet left his righteousness for his church and people here below. The efficacy of what he did and suffered, still remained for the justification of sinners here below, though he himself was gone; and the saving fruits and benefits of it were communicated more abundantly after his ascension than before. God exalted him with his own right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, to give repentance unto Israel, and remission of sins. Elisha received a double portion of his spirit when he ascended; so when Christ ascended, he sent down abundant measures of his Holy Spirit on his disciples and followers. The condition of Elisha's receiving a double portion of Elijah's spirit, was his seeing him when he ascended; so it is by faith in the ascended Savior, that we receive the Holy Spirit from him. We can receive no spiritual benefits from him any otherwise than as we see him in his glorious exaltation by an eye of faith.

2 Kin. 5:17

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