2 Sam. 7:10. God's ceasing to walk in a tent and tabernacle, and dwelling in a temple, was a great token of mercy to the children of Israel; for while God dwelt in a movable tabernacle, He dwelt as a wayfaring man, as one that was not fixed in His abode, was ready to depart, that is, to stay but a little while, or that is undetermined whether to stay or no. But when He came to dwell in a temple, - that is, a fixed habitation, - it was a token for good several ways. It was a token that God would dwell among them, and make His settled abode among them, and that He would not lead them forth out of the Land, but continue them in the possession of it, for they were to go where the tabernacle went before them; but now dwelt in an immovable temple, it was a token that they should no more be removed. It was a token that God would not cast them off from being His people; for if He should do so, He would remove them out of that Land, for the Land was His Land, a Land that He had chosen to be a holy Land.

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