2 Thes. 2:7. "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work." As Christianity, or the scheme for setting up the kingdom of God, and advancing his glory and the salvation of men, by Christ, is called the mystery of godliness; so antichristianism, or the scheme for setting up the kingdom of the devil, and accomplishing the destruction of men by antichrist, is called the mystery of iniquity. The Christian scheme is called the mystery of godliness very much on that account, that all the ancient mysteries, types, shadows, and prophecies, relating to the kingdom and interest of godliness, have their fulfillment in it. So antichristianism is called the mystery of iniquity, because in this the types and prophecies that relate to the kingdom and interest of iniquity have their principal fulfillment. Here is fulfilled what was shadowed forth of old, by the murder of Cain, and his city in the land of Nod, and by the building of the tower of Babel, and by the city of Babylon, and by the mighty Nimrod, and Belus, or Bel, and by the city of Sodom, by Egypt, and Pharaoh; and the great things that were done in Egypt, in the time of Moses and Aaron, are types of what is done by and to the church of Rome. Here is the antitype of Jabez and Sisera, Oreb and Zeeb, Zeba and Zalmunna, the Moabites and the Ammonites, the Philistines, and especially the Edomites. Here is the antitype of proud Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar, and Haman. Here is the antitype of the city and king of Tyrus, and of Antiochus Epiphanes, and here is the chief fulfillment of the ancient prophecies of Daniel and other prophets that related to the kingdom of iniquity, and also of most of such prophecies in the New Testament. On the same account the antichristian church is called " MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT."

1 & 2 Timothy

1 Tim. 1:9

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