Gen. 10 and 11. _The dispersion and first settlement of the nations._
By the descendants of Jophat were the isles of the Gentiles divided,
Genesis 10:5. By the _Isles_, the Hebrews denoted not only such
countries as were on all sides encompassed by sea, but also such
countries as were so divided by... [ Continue Reading ]
Gen. 10:1. These things are evidences that all mankind are originally
from one head or fountain, and of one blood, _viz. _ 1. That all
agreed in the same custom of sacrifices, which could be from nothing
else than tradition from their progenitors. 2. Their all agreeing in
counting by _decads, _ or s... [ Continue Reading ]
Gen. 10:6. Now what the heathen said of Jupiter is evidently taken
from Ham, the son of Noah. Noah is the Saturn of the heathen, as is
evident by note on Genesis 1:27. It is fabled that Saturn had three
sons Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, who divided the world between them.
Sanchoniathon says, "The so... [ Continue Reading ]