Genesis 49:10

Gen. 49:10. "Until Shiloh come." Silenus, so famous among the poets, whom they place in the order of their gods, is derived from hence. Diodorus, lib. 3 says, the first that ruled at Nisa was Silenus, whose genealogy is unknown to all, by reason of his antiquity, which is agreeable to what the Scrip... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 49:22

Gen. 49:22. "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even," etc. The word which is translated "branches," properly signifies "daughters," and the word which is translated "wall," signifies both a "wall" and an "enemy;" so that the words may be translated either, "whose branches run over the wall," or, "whose da... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 49:24

Gen. 49:24. "But his bow," etc. This was remarkably verified in Joshua and Gideon, who were of this tribe, as appears with respect to Joshua by Numbers 13:8, and with respect to Gideon by Judges 6:11, with Joshua 17:2, and Judges 6:35. They were wonderful instances of those whose bow abode in streng... [ Continue Reading ]

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