Heb. 11:6. But without faith (it is) impossible to please (him); for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and (that) he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

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6. - He that cometh to God] i.e. that has real access admittance and acceptance comes so as to be truly united to God and walk with Him. [must believe that he is.] i.e. must believe that his is a (?) God which implies his having supreme Glory and sufficiency and dominion.

A believing those things concerning God which are implied in that name of God I AM.

diligently seek Him.] seeking God in Scripture commonly implies trusting in God or the Exercise of true Faith. The word is e??te?? which is a stronger expression and what the apostle means seems to be seeking Him with the whole Heart as the Phrase in Psalms 119:2 seeking Him in Reality in earnest and with a true Fervour [sic] of soul.

See Pool's Synopsis in Loc. p. 1358. U.d. Place marked in margin.

must believe that He is a Rewarder.] i.e. that it is not in vain to seek him and trust in that one may do it with safety and just confidence of success and a firm persuasion that He is sufficient, faithful and ready to bestow the benefit we trust in Him for. The word is used to signify success and Benefit. Heb. 10:35. There is forgiveness with God that He may be feared. He hath not said to the seed of Jacob seek ye me in vain. Blessed are all they that trust in Him.

Heb. 11:7

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