Heb. 6:8. But that which beareth thorns and briers (is) rejected, and (is) nigh unto cursing; whose end (is) to be burned.

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The notice of those apostates and persecutors who committed the unpardonable sin is with special fitness compared to briars and thorns. See Song of Solomon 2:2; Ezekiel 28:24; Ezekiel 2:6; Isaiah 10:17; 2 Samuel 23:6; 2 Samuel 23:7.

The outline sermon on Hebrews 6:8 observes:

that they that live under means of grace and don't bring forth good fruit are like ground that the showers of rain do only cause to bring forth briers and thorns. 2. That those with whom it is thus are rejected of God. 3. Shew how such are nigh unto cursing. 4. That their end is to be burned.

The sermon concludes with "examination" and stern "warning."

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