Hos. 10:11. "I will make Ephraim to ride, Judah shall plough, and Jacob shall break his clods." In the preceding words, God hath threatened that he would put a yoke on Ephraim's fair neck, that she might be made to do harder work than treading out the corn, to wit, plow the field. Here the comparison is in part continued, and in part altered from the labor of the cattle in plowing to that of the men that plow, wherein one man was wont to ride to guide the beast that drew the plow, another to hold the plow, and another to break the clods. God here says that he would cause Ephraim to ride, i.e. he should go foremost in this labor God had to call them to, and Judah should plow, i.e. Judah should follow in it as he that held the plow did him that rode, and then Jacob, i.e. the whole nation of Israel in all the tribes, should be in the same calamity, and reduced to the same slavery. As he that broke the clods in plowing came last. See Hosea 12:1; Hosea 12:2.

Hos. 12:12-13

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