John 4:36, 37. "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal; that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth." He that soweth is Christ, the ministers of the gospel they do but reap the fruit of Christ's labors. It is He that has, as it were, plowed the field and fitted the ground, and sowed the seed, and He waters the seed sown. The Word, Ordinances, and Spirit, are of His purchasing and bestowing, hence ministers are represented as laborers that are sent into the harvest only to gather in the harvest - to gather in souls, the foundation of whose salvation is already laid by Christ. He that sows is the Owner of the field and Lord of the harvest. Ministers are only laborers and servants sent forth to gather in His harvest that grows in the field, and springs from seed that He has sowed. He that sows and he that reaps shall rejoice together, as Christ and the seventy did when they returned and told Him of their success: Luke 10:17; Luke 10:18; Luke 10:21. Verse 37. This was remarkably verified with respect to Christ and these His disciples, for Christ, when He dwelt on earth, sowed, laid all the foundation of His future Church, but the Apostles and other ministers gathered in the harvest after His ascension.

John 5:45

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