Psalms 144:5

5 Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.

Psa. 144:5. "Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down." This was never so remarkably fulfilled as in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, when heaven and earth were as it were brought together. Heaven itself was as it were made to bow that it might be united to earth. God did as it were come down and bring heaven with Him. He not only came down to the earth, but He brought Heaven with Him to men and for men. It was a more strange and wonderful thing. But this will be more remarkably fulfilled still by Christ's second coming, when He will indeed bring all heaven down with Him - viz. all the inhabitants of heaven. Heaven shall be left empty of its inhabitants to come down to the earth; and then the mountains shall smoke, and shall indeed flow down at His presence, as in Isaiah 64:1.

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