Song 7:8. "And the smell of thy nose like apples." As by the roof of the mouth in the next verse, is not intended simply the roof of the mouth itself, as though that were exceedingly pleasant to the bridegroom, this being a part of the body that is hidden; but thereby is probably meant the speech which comes from the mouth: so here, by the nose, is not meant the nose itself, but the breath; so the bridegroom would hereby signify that the smell of her breath was sweet, her vitals being sound, and pure, and sweet, being made so by the food she ate, viz. apples, the food she from time to time desires to be refreshed with, it being the fruit that he yields, who is as the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, whose fruit was sweet to her taste. Persons' breath commonly smells of the food which they eat; thus the breath of the spouse is represented as smelling like apples.

Song 7:9

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