The many false *Christs when John wrote had been in the church. Among these were the false teachers. They had caused problems in the church. They had then left the church with their group. They were no longer part of it. In fact, they had never really belonged in the church. By their actions, they showed that they were not true Christians at all.

If they had been true Christians, they would not have left the church. In those days, there would have been just one church in each place. We now have many churches. But all those who believe the word of God, are part of the one true church.

The false teachers and those who followed them had left. They went away to show that they did not believe. So they made it clear that they did not belong in the church.

Verse 20

The Holy Spirit teaches the truth to all Christians

In contrast to the false teachers, the Christians know the truth. The false teachers said that they had secret knowledge. This special knowledge was only for those who followed their ideas. John shows that true knowledge comes from the *Lord alone. This true knowledge is not just for a special few. It is for all who belong to Christ.

The Spirit of God comes upon those who believe. He teaches them what is true. This was the promise of Christ. He said, ‘The Spirit of truth will come. When he comes, he will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13). So, they know the difference between the true and the false. They know God. They know that Jesus is the *Christ.

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