The ‘word of the *Lord’ (God) can refer to the Bible. It also means the good news that God saves people from *sin through Jesus Christ. When people hear or read this good news, it is like a seed that God plants in their lives. Seeds grow into plants. However, plants die. But the seed of God’s word will never die. It gives a person new birth into God’s family.

Verses 24-25 come from Isaiah 40:6-8. All people, even great people, will die. Their physical body will die, just as grass and flowers die. But God’s words will live for ever. When people accept the word of the *Lord, their spirit will live for ever.

apostle ~ one of the 12 men whom Jesus chose to teach about him.'New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the writers wrote after the life of Jesus on earth. It is about Jesus’ works and the things he taught and about the church [see church].
Greek ~ the original language of the New Testament [see New Testament].
Pentecost ~ the time each year when the Jews thank God for the harvest [see Jews].'Jews/Jewish ~ people who were born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children.
glory ~ all that makes God beautiful and great.
grace ~ a gift from God that we do not deserve and can never earn.
sin ~ all that people do wrong against God or other people; the evil that is in us.
preach ~ to tell and explain to people the good news about Jesus Christ.
worship ~ to show honour to God and to tell him that we love him very much.'Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible; the holy things that the writers wrote before Jesus’ birth.
sacrifice ~ to ask God to forgive sins by killing a special animal and burning it on an altar [see altar; sin].
grace ~ a gift from God that we do not deserve and can never earn.
Hebrew ~ the language of the Jews and of the Old Testament [see Jews; Old Testament].
blessing ~ good things that God does for us.'Jews/Jewish ~ people who were born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children.
hope ~ to expect something that God has promised.
praise ~ when we say good things about God or about a person.
Lord ~ a name we call God or Jesus when we do what they say.
mercy ~ when God forgives bad people and does not punish them; God’s love and goodness; to be kind to someone who does wrong to show that we love them.
inheritance ~ a legal gift of property after the owner’s death.
salvation ~ when God saves a person from the results of their sin [see sin].
faith ~ trust in God and in Jesus his Son.
faith ~ trust in God and in Jesus his Son.
praise ~ when we say good things about God or about a person.
Messiah ~ God’s special servant; the name God chose for Jesus Christ; God promised the Jews that the Messiah would save them. But they did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah; Christ is the Greek word for the Hebrew word Messiah [see Jews; Greek; Hebrew].
prophet ~ person who says what God wants; he can sometimes say what will happen in the future (prophesy).
prophet ~ person who says what God wants; he can sometimes say what will happen in the future (prophesy).'eternal life ~ life of a new quality for those who believe in Jesus. This new life is to be with Jesus for ever.
sin ~ all that people do wrong against God or other people; the evil that is in us.
angel ~ a servant of God who brings messages from heaven.
reveal ~ to show us something that was a secret.
salvation ~ when God saves a person from the results of their sin [see sin].
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