An *inheritance is what becomes yours by law after the death of the present owner. It is usually land or property. In the *Old Testament, the *inheritance often refers to the country of Canaan. God gave Canaan to the *Jews who were the people whom he chose (Numbers 26:54-56; Joshua 11:23). In the *New Testament, *inheritance means all that people receive from God as his children, because of what Jesus has done for them. This includes *eternal life now (John 5:24) and a new body when Jesus comes again (1 Corinthians 15:35-44). God will also give rewards to Christians in heaven (Matthew 5:12; Matthew 5:1 Corinthians 3:8; Revelation 22:12). But we do not know what these rewards will be. Christians receive just a small part of God’s promises in this life. They will receive his promises completely in heaven. Christians go to heaven when they die. If Jesus returns while they are still living in this world, he will take them straight to heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). God gives the Holy Spirit to each Christian. This proves that he will keep his promise (Ephesians 1:14).

The Christian’s *inheritance is not like anything in this world. Peter described it in three ways.

(1) It will never wear out or get old. Nothing can destroy it.

(2) It will not spoil or go bad. *Sin cannot affect it.

(3) It will not lose its beauty. It is not like metal that stops shining. Nor is it like a light that goes out.

God keeps this *inheritance safe in heaven. God does this for each person who believes his promises.

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