Jesus will return

Peter’s second letter

Hilda Bright and Helen Pocock

About this letter

The writer

Peter wrote this letter. His name used to be Simon, but Jesus changed it to Peter (John 1:42). Simon had his own business. He caught fish. But Jesus called Simon to be a *disciple. Jesus gave him the name Peter, which means a ‘rock’. Jesus chose him as one of the 12 *apostles. Later he became one of the leaders of the Christian *church.

Peter was in the city called Rome when he wrote this letter. He expected to die soon. Peter died on a cross about 35 years after Jesus returned to heaven. At that time Nero, who was the evil ruler in Rome, was killing Christians.

Peter wrote this letter in the *Greek language. In *New Testament times, many people could speak and read the *Greek language. This meant that the good news about Jesus could spread easily.

The people who received this letter

Peter did not say where he was sending the letter. In 3:1, he referred to this letter as his ‘second letter’. We believe that 1 Peter was his first letter to these readers. So, the readers of both letters were probably the same people. They were Christians who lived in the country that we now call Turkey. Peter probably wrote this letter to both *Jews and Gentiles who had become Christians. (Gentiles are people who are not *Jews.)

Why he wrote this letter

Peter wrote this letter for three reasons:

1. He wanted the people to be stronger Christians.

2. He wanted to warn them about false teachers. He also wanted to remind them about the true Christian beliefs.

3. He emphasised that Jesus Christ will return. Then God will *judge wicked people. So, Christians must be ready for that day.

Peter had the authority to say these things. He had been with Jesus while he was alive in this world.

Chapter 1


v1 This letter is from Simon Peter, who is a servant and an *apostle of Jesus Christ.

I write to people with a *faith in Jesus that is as valuable as our *faith in Jesus. This *faith is a gift from our God and *Saviour Jesus Christ. He is fair.

v2 May God give you more and more of his *grace and peace. This will happen as you really know God and Jesus our *Lord.

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