False teachers are a problem. The only answer to this problem is that Christians should become stronger Christians. They must understand how much God loves them. Also, they must grow in their relationship with their *Lord and *Saviour Jesus Christ. John 1:14 refers to the ‘*glory’ of the only Son of the Father. *Glory belongs to Jesus in this present time and for ever. The false teachers did not show the *glory of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). Instead, their lives were very wicked. And they refused to believe that Jesus would return.

At the end of this letter, Peter described Jesus as ‘*Lord’. *Lord means that Jesus rules everything. Jesus is also the ‘*Saviour’. He forgives people’s *sins. He frees them from God’s judgement. ‘Amen’ turns this into a prayer of praise. ‘Amen’ means ‘it is true’ and ‘we agree’.

prophet ~ a person who receives God’s message and tells it to other people.
Lord ~ one who rules or who is a master; a title for God or Jesus to show that he rules over everything.
Saviour ~ another name for Jesus; he is the one who rescues people and brings them back to God.
apostle ~ a person that Jesus sends out to teach about him; a person whom God chooses to lead his church.
church ~ all Christians.'Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible which writers wrote before Jesus was born.'New Testament ~ the second part of the Bible; it is about the things that Jesus taught and did; and it is about the church.
church ~ all Christians.
judge ~ to make a decision or make a judgement; often to decide between what is right and what is wrong.
prophecy ~ a message from God.
sin ~ when people do not obey what God commands; something bad that a person does against God or other people.
kingdom ~ the place or land where a king rules; the people whom a king rules; where God rules as king.
sin ~ when people do not obey what God commands; something bad that a person does against God or other people.
salvation ~ when God frees people from the result and punishment of their sin; God forgives people and they have new life in Jesus Christ.
sin ~ when people do not obey what God commands; something bad that a person does against God or other people.
Scripture ~ another name for the Bible.
grace ~ what God gives because he is kind and generous; it is God’s free gift that people do not deserve and cannot earn.
faith ~ when we believe and trust God and his son Jesus Christ.
glory ~ everything that makes God beautiful and great; a bright light that comes from God because he is completely holy. To ‘give glory to God’ means to give him honour and to praise him.
Amen ~ usually at the end of a prayer to show that one agrees. It also means it is true, or let it be so.
glory ~ everything that makes God beautiful and great; a bright light that comes from God because he is completely holy. To ‘give glory to God’ means to give him honour and to praise him.
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