Ezekiel’s Last *Vision

Ezekiel Chapter s 40 to 48

Commentary: Keith Simons; Translation: Ian Mackervoy.

Chapter 42

Buildings for the priests – Ezekiel 42:1-14

v1 Then the man led me north into the outer area. He brought me to the rooms across from the *temple and its area. v2 This building on the north side was 100 *cubits long and 50 *cubits wide. v3 The building was in a space of 20 *cubits from the inner area. This was opposite the path of the outer area. The rooms were on three floors, each room was further back than the one below it. v4 There was a path on the north side of the rooms. This path was 10 *cubits wide and 100 *cubits long. Doors led into the rooms from this path. v5 The top rooms were narrower, because the passages took more space from them. The rooms on the first and second floors of the building were wider. v6 The rooms on the third floor did not have columns like the columns of the open areas. So, these rooms were smaller than those on the first and second floors. v7 There was a wall outside parallel to the rooms and to the outer area. It extended in front of the rooms for 50 *cubits. v8 The row of rooms along the outer area was 50 *cubits long. The row on the side nearest the *temple was 100 *cubits long. v9 The lower rooms had an entrance on the east side. The way into them was from the outer area.

v10 There were rooms on the south side along the length of the wall of the outer area. These rooms were next to the *temple area and across from the outer wall. v11 These rooms had a path in front of them. They were like the rooms on the north with the same length and width and the same doors. v12 The doors of the south rooms were like the doors of the north rooms. There was an entrance at the beginning of the path. This was next to the wall, so people could enter at the east end.

v13 The man said to me, ‘The north and south rooms across from the *temple area are *holy rooms. The priests who go near the *LORD will eat the most *holy *sacrifices there. There they shall put the most *holy *sacrifices. These *sacrifices are the grain, the *sin and the blame *sacrifices. These rooms are *holy. v14 The priests who enter the *holy place must leave their special clothes there. The special clothes are *holy. They must change their clothes before they go into the outer area. Then they may go to the part of the *temple area that is for the people.’

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