It is easy to miss the importance of this verse. Ezekiel wrote often about the *glory of God. And Ezekiel saw so many *visions. But nothing impressed Ezekiel more than the *glory of God. With a *vision of the *glory, Ezekiel began his work as a priest and a *prophet (chapter 1). And a *vision of the *glory proved to Ezekiel that the *Babylonians would destroy Jerusalem (chapter 10). That was awful. But then Ezekiel had seen the *glory re-enter the *temple in the *vision (43:1-4). And here, Ezekiel saw the *glory for the last time. And the *glory was where it should be. That is, it filled God’s *temple. God was present with his people again. He was ruling as king; and his power and *glory would be there always.

Ezekiel did not stand to watch. He fell down to *worship God. Ezekiel placed his face on the ground. The *glory was so great and so wonderful. Nothing else mattered. Ezekiel just wanted to give all his love to God. Ezekiel just wanted to give honour to God. So Ezekiel lay flat on the ground. And he *worshipped.

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