The prince collected these gifts from the people. He used them to provide regular *sacrifices on behalf of the *Israelites.

God explains when the prince should offer these *sacrifices:

  • the *Sabbath – that is, at the end of each week.

  • the new moons – that is, at the start of each month in the *Jewish calendar.
  • the special days – that is, the sacred holidays. There are instructions for some of these days in the rest of this chapter. But this chapter does not contain a complete list of the *Jewish sacred holidays.

A new *sacrifice to the *Lord – Ezekiel 45:18-20

v18 ‘This is what the *LORD your King says. On the first day of the first month, take a young *bull that has nothing wrong with it. Use it to make the *temple *clean and ready. v19 The priest will take some of the blood from this *sin *sacrifice. He will put some of it by the side of the *temple door. He will put some on the 4 corners of the upper edge of the *altar. And he will put some on the wall at the side of the gate to the inner area. v20 You will do the same thing on the 7th day of the month. This is for anyone who has *sinned because of lack of knowledge. Also, for anyone who has *sinned but did not intend to do so. By this, my *temple will remain *holy.’

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