The priests repeated the ceremony 6 days later. This extra ceremony was for *sins that people did not intend to do. ‘*Sin’ here does not have its usual meaning, that is, evil deeds. Instead, it means matters which would cause *worship to be unacceptable to God. For example, a person might touch something that is not *clean. Then that person should not go to the *temple until he is *clean again. But that person might not know that he touched that thing. So he might go to the *temple anyway. There are several more examples in Leviticus 4:13-5.

There was no *sacrifice for the *sins that people intended to do (Numbers 15:30). But God could forgive those *sins because of his great kindness. He always wanted to forgive every kind of *sin (Exodus 34:7). So when people confessed their *sins to God in a sincere and humble manner, God forgave them (Psalms 51:17). Today we understand the reason why Jesus the *Messiah died. He died to save people from all their *sins. His work was perfect and it is complete. We should confess our *sin to God. And we should trust Jesus. If we do this in a sincere and humble manner, God forgives all our *sin.

*Passover week and the week in shelters – Ezekiel 45:21-25

v21 ‘On the 14th of the first month will be the *Passover. This event will last for 7 days. During the *Passover, you will eat bread without *yeast. v22 On that day, the prince must give to the priests a *bull. It is a *sacrifice because of *sin on behalf of the prince and all the people in the country. v23 During the 7 days, he must give to the priests 7 *bulls. Also, he must give to them 7 male sheep. These animals must have nothing wrong with them. They will be *sacrifices by fire to the *LORD. The prince will offer these *sacrifices on each of the 7 days. Also he must give to the priests a male goat every day as a *sacrifice because of *sin. v24 He shall provide grain for the *sacrifices. He will give to the priests an *ephah of grain for each *bull. He will give to the priests an *ephah of grain for each male sheep. And he will give to the priests a *hin of oil for each *ephah of grain.

v25 From the 15th day of the 7th month, there will be another 7 special days. The prince will make the same provision as for the *Passover. He will provide the animals, the grain and the oil. These things will be for *sacrifices because of *sin, *sacrifices by fire and the grain *sacrifices.’

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