When Lot left Abram, he began to move into bad company.

• Lot chose the way that was easiest (in verses 10-11). That was a bad choice.

• Lot moved his tent nearer to Sodom, where the inhabitants were wicked (in verses 12-13). That was not wrong. But he came nearer to evil companions.

• Lot went into Sodom. (See Genesis 14:12.) He lived among wicked men. Because he did that, he needed Abram to rescue him. (See Genesis 14:14; Genesis 14:16.)

• Lot took wicked men as his companions. (See Genesis 19:1. ‘Lot sat at the gate of Sodom.’ And the gate was the place where people talked together.) Because Lot did that, he needed God to rescue him. (See Genesis 19:15-16.)

Lot moved his tent nearer to the evil city, Sodom. And, when he had done that, he could easily move further. And, when he was in Sodom, he could easily take wicked men as his companions. We must not do what Lot did. We must not do little wrong things. If we do them, we can more easily do greater wrong things.

v14 After Lot separated from Abram, the *Lord spoke to Abram. The *Lord said, ‘Look at the things that are round you. Look from the place where you are. Look towards the north. Look towards the south. Look towards the east. Look towards the west. v15 I will give to you all the land that you see. I will give it to you and to your *descendants for all ages. v16 I will make your *descendants as the dust that is on the earth. Nobody can count the dust on the earth and nobody will be able to count your *descendants. v17 Get up and walk through the whole country. I will give all of it to you.’

v18 So Abram moved his tent. He went to the big trees at Mamre and he stayed there. Mamre is also called Hebron. At Mamre he built an *altar so that he could make *offerings to the *Lord.

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