We can be sure that God made this tree for a good purpose. Perhaps he intended that men and women should eat its fruit later, at the right time. But it certainly made Adam and Eve distinguish between good things and evil things. (See the comment to Genesis 3:22.)

‘If you eat that fruit, you will certainly die.’ The *Hebrew words say, ‘In the day when you eat it you shall die.’ But the real meaning of this is, ‘Certainly when you eat it you shall die.’ Adam and Eve did eat the fruit. (See Genesis 3:6.) They certainly did die, although they did not die immediately. However, ‘die’ might mean that their spirit would die then. Their body would die later.

God makes woman

v18 After that, the *Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man is alone. I will make a helper for him. His helper shall be suitable for him.’

v19 Now the *Lord God had made out of the ground every animal on the earth. He had made every bird that flies in the air. He brought them to the man so that the man would name them. Whatever name the man gave, that was the name of each living animal. v20 Adam gave names to all the tame animals. He gave names to all the birds that fly in the air. He gave names to all the wild animals. But none of them was a helper who was suitable for Adam.

v21 So the *Lord God made Adam sleep heavily. While Adam slept, God took a bone out of Adam’s body. Then he closed the place in his body. v22 The *Lord God changed the bone that he had taken from Adam. He made the bone become a woman. He brought her to Adam.

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