Isaac blessed his son Jacob again although Jacob had cheated his
father Isaac. Isaac realised what God wanted. God intended that Jacob
should receive Isaac’s *blessing. Isaac realised this and so he
blessed Jacob again.
‘Do not marry a *Canaanite woman.’ This is like what Abraham said.
Abraham did... [ Continue Reading ]
V1 Then Isaac called Jacob and he blessed him. He *commanded him,
‘Do not marry a *Canaanite woman. V2 Go to the district that is
called Paddan-aram. Go to Bethuel’s house. He is your mother’s
father. Find a wife... [ Continue Reading ]
Esau had married foreign women. And he did not realise that this
caused great trouble to his parents. (See Genesis 26:35 and Genesis
27:46.) But Esau heard what Isaac said to Jacob. (See verse 6.) So he
married another wife who was a relative. This probably did not improve
the situation.
JACOB’S DR... [ Continue Reading ]
Jacob was in a place where there were many stones. There was nothing
else that he could use as a pillow. He probably chose a flat stone.
And probably he folded some clothing and he put that on the stone. If
he did that, it would be less hard.... [ Continue Reading ]
Many Bibles call the staircase a ‘ladder’. But *angels went up and
other *angels came down. They could not do that at the same time on a
ladder. We do not know exactly what the *Hebrew word means.
God gave the dream about the staircase to Jacob. God showed to Jacob
that there is communication betwe... [ Continue Reading ]
‘As the dust that is on the earth.’ God made the same promise to
Abraham and he explained it. He said, ‘Nobody can count the dust on
the earth and nobody will be able to count your *descendants.’ (See
Genesis 13:16.) And the end of this verse is like God’s promise to
Abraham in Genesis 12:3.
V16 Th... [ Continue Reading ]
Jacob said, ‘I did not know it before.’ Until this time, he did
not know that God was with him. He knew that God was the God of his
father, Isaac. But Jacob himself did not know God until God came to
him in a dream. But after this time, he knew God. He knew that God was
with him. And he knew that he... [ Continue Reading ]
‘Bethel’ means ‘God’s house’.
V20 Then Jacob made a firm promise. He said, ‘Perhaps God will be
with me. Perhaps he will keep me in this way where I go. Perhaps he
will give bread to me, so that I may eat. Perhaps he will give
clothing to me, so that I may wear it. V21 Perhaps I shall return to
my... [ Continue Reading ]
Jacob had met God. He immediately made a change in the way that he
lived. He started to give a part of his wealth to God. But his
character did not change immediately.... [ Continue Reading ]
Jacob decided to give to God one thing out of every 10 things. This
probably means that he would do that regularly. He would not do it
only on one occasion.
Many people nowadays give a part of their wealth regularly to God.
Some of them always give one part in 10 parts of their wealth. They
call th... [ Continue Reading ]