‘I will divide them in Jacob and I will scatter them in Israel.’ This does not refer to Simeon and Levi themselves. It refers to the *tribes of Simeon and Levi. When those *tribes reached their own country, they did not receive land. The *tribe of Simeon shared land with the *tribe of Judah. So God divided the land for them. (See Joshua 19:9.) The *tribe of Levi lived among all the other *tribes. So God scattered them in Israel. (See Joshua 13:14.)

v8 ‘Judah, your brothers shall praise you.

Your hand shall be on your enemies’ necks.

Your father’s sons shall bend themselves down in front of you.

v9 Judah is like a young lion.

You have returned with the animal that you killed, my son.

You prepare to attack and you lie down like a lion.

You are like a female lion. Nobody dares to wake you.

v10 There shall always be a king in Judah.

There shall always be a ruler in the *tribe of Judah.

Then he shall receive the things that belong to him.

All the peoples must obey him.

v11 He shall tie his *donkey to the vine.

He shall tie a young *donkey to the red vine.

He washes his clothes in wine.

He washes his coat in the new wine.

v12 His eyes shall be darker than wine.

His teeth shall be whiter than milk.’

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