Genesis 7:1
God chose Noah from among the people who were alive at that time. God chose Noah so that Noah could live a good life with God.... [ Continue Reading ]
God chose Noah from among the people who were alive at that time. God chose Noah so that Noah could live a good life with God.... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD’S ANCIENT PEOPLE GENESIS _ALUN OWEN_ CHAPTER 7 GOD TELLS NOAH WHAT HE SHOULD DO V1 Then the *Lord said to Noah, ‘Go into the *ark and take all your family with you. I have seen you as a good person among those who are alive now. V2 Take with you 7 pairs of each kind of clean animal. Take ma... [ Continue Reading ]
‘Clean’ animals were ones that people ate. For example, people ate the meat of sheep and cows. So sheep and cows were ‘clean’ animals. There were some animals that people did not eat. So they were not ‘clean’ animals. Many years later, God gave to Moses a list of ‘clean’ animals and ‘unclean’ (not... [ Continue Reading ]
‘Noah went into the *ark in order to escape.’ Noah and his family were safe because they were in the *ark. They had done what God told them to do. We shall be safe if we are ‘in Christ’. We must trust Christ, as God tells us to do. So the *ark helps us to know about Christ. Verses 8, 14 For ‘clea... [ Continue Reading ]
Many years later, Jesus Christ used this event to teach people. It tells us about the end of the world. (See Matthew 24:37-39.) Before the flood, people lived in an ordinary way. They ate and they drank. They married wives. They did not know that the flood would come. Then the flood came and it kill... [ Continue Reading ]