God’s Ancient People


Alun Owen

Chapter 7

God tells Noah what he should do

v1 Then the *Lord said to Noah, ‘Go into the *ark and take all your family with you. I have seen you as a good person among those who are alive now. v2 Take with you 7 pairs of each kind of clean animal. Take males and females. Take one male and one female of each kind of animal that is not clean. v3 Take 7 pairs of the birds, males and females. So you will keep birds of every kind alive on the earth. v4 In 7 days, I will send rain on the earth. It will rain for 40 days and 40 nights. I will kill every living animal that is on the earth. I will kill all those that I have made.’

v5 And Noah did everything that the *Lord told him to do.

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