‘Mount Ararat’ means the mountains that are in the east part of the modern country Turkey.

v6 After 40 days, Noah opened the window of the *ark, which he had made. v7 He sent out a raven (a bird). The raven flew about until the water disappeared from the earth. v8 And Noah sent out a dove (a different kind of bird). Noah needed to know whether the water had disappeared from the earth. v9 But the dove found no place to land. It returned to the *ark, because the water still covered all the earth. Noah reached out his hand to the dove and he brought the dove back into the *ark.

v10 Noah waited for 7 days. Then he again sent out the dove from the *ark. v11 The dove came back to Noah in the evening. It had in its mouth a fresh leaf, which it had picked from a tree. Then Noah knew that the water had disappeared from the earth. v12 He again waited for 7 days. Then he sent out the dove. It did not return again.

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