Obey God, and all good gifts will be yours. Refuse to obey God, and nothing will go right. God will no longer care about you. He will no longer protect you. Enemies will attack and you will lose everything.

*Jerusalem’s fate

v21 People in *Jerusalem, you are like a wife who is no longer true to her husband. Once your judges gave fair judgements and your citizens lived good lives. Now you have a city whose inhabitants are cruel. v22 People in *Jerusalem, once you were like pure silver. Now you have no value. Your *wine was the very best. Now it has water in it. v23 Your rulers have turned against me. They prefer the company of thieves. Your rulers expect presents and secret gifts. They refuse to look after the rights of children who have lost both parents. They will not defend widows.

v24 Now listen to the judgement by the *Lord, Israel’s all-powerful God. I shall pour out my great anger on you, my enemies. You will cause me no more trouble. v25 I shall punish you severely. I shall burn with fierce fire all that makes you unholy. That is, all that makes you unfit to give me honour.

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