AND HE SAID - God said Isaiah 23:9.
THOU SHALT NO MORE REJOICE - The sense is, that Tyre was soon to be
destroyed. It does not mean that it should never afterward exult or
rejoice, for the prophet say...
The Burden of Tyre
1. _Tyre's great disaster (Isaiah 23:1)_ 2. _The complete overthrow
(Isaiah 23:6)_ 3. _Tyre's future restoration and degradation (Isaiah
23:15)_ Tyre typifies the commer...
ISAIAH 23. ORACLE ON TYRE. The date and authorship are alike very
uncertain. If by Isaiah, the occasion may be the siege of Tyre by
Shalmaneser about 727- 722 (p. 59), the historicity of which, howeve...
OPPRESSED. humbled....
The third strophe, as usually explained, deals mainly with the
emancipation of the Phœnician colonies from the somewhat stringent
control of Tyre. But the passage presents many difficulties; and from...
_And he said_ What follows may be regarded as the "commandment"
referred to in Isaiah 23:11.
_O thou oppressed_(or RAVISHED) _virgin, daughter of Zidon_ The
epithet "virgin" is applied to Zidon as a f...
HE STRETCHED OUT HIS HAND— We have here the latter member of the
period concerning the grand projector and executor of the destruction
of Tyre; where, in the 11th verse, the prophet tells us that the...
TEXT: Isaiah 23:8-14
Who hath purposed this against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose
merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honorable of the
Jehovah of hosts hat...
And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin,
daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou
have no rest.
AND HE SAID. "He," God.
23:12 oppressed (a-10) Or 'dishonoured.'...
OPPRESSED] or 'defiled.' Tyre was no longer a virgin citadel. PASS
OVER TO CHITTIM] Flight to Cyprus would not secure safety from
Tyre was a great mercantile centre of the ancient world, and at the
time of the Hebrew monarchy chief state of Phœnicia, the parent of
many colonies, and mistress of the Mediterranea...
וַ יֹּ֕אמֶר לֹֽא ־תֹוסִ֥יפִי עֹ֖וד לַ
702 B.C.
Isaiah 23:1
THE task, which was laid upon the religion of Israel while Isaiah was
its prophet, was the task, as we have often told ourselves, o...
The burden of Tyre opens with a graphic description of her desolation.
Her harbors are closed. Her borders are desolate. The sea, which had
been her highway, is abandoned, and Egypt, her ally, is affr...
And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed (o) virgin,
(p) daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt
thou have no rest.
(o) For Tyre was never touched nor afflic...
_Daughter; colony. (Calmet) --- Oppressed. Literally, "calumniated."
Here we are brought acquainted with the means the Lord will make use
of, for the overthrow of Tyre. The Chaldeans shall be the Lord's
instruments; and what adds to the aggravation of Tyre's sorrow, to...
12._And he said, Thou shalt not add any more to rejoice. _(112) All
this belongs to one and the same object; for, since a plain
description would not have had sufficient weight, the Prophet confirms
In Chapter s 19 and 20 Egypt shall be smitten in that day; but Jehovah
will heal it. Egypt, Assyria, and Israel shall together be blessed of
AND HE SAID, THOU SHALT NO MORE REJOICE,.... Not meaning that she
should never more rejoice, but not for a long time, as Kimchi
interprets it; when her calamity should come upon her, her jovial
And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin,
daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou
have no rest.
Ver. 12. _Thou shalt no more rejoice._] Heb., Exu...
_He_ Namely, the Lord, mentioned in the latter part of the verse;
_stretched out his hand over the sea_ That is, Tyre, called the sea,
(Isaiah 23:4,) to overthrow it. _He shook_ Hebrew, הרגיז, _he
THE FALL OF TYREV. 1. THE BURDEN OF TYRE, the proud Phoenician
metropolis, which withstood the attacks of several Assyrian armies and
endured a siege of thirteen years by Nebuchadnezzar, but was destr...
And He said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin,
daughter of Zidon, Tyre and all Phoenicia being disgraced now as a
result of the conquest. ARISE, PASS OVER TO CHITTIM, emigrating to...
1-14 Tyre was the mart of the nations. She was noted for mirth and
diversions; and this made her loth to consider the warnings God gave
by his servants. Her merchants were princes, and lived like pri...
O THOU OPPRESSED VIRGIN: so he calls her, either for her pride and
beauty, and living in great ease and pleasure; or because she had
hitherto never borne the yoke of a conquering enemy; though withal...
Isaiah 23:12 said H559 (H8799) rejoice H5937 (H8800) more H3254
(H8686) oppressed H6231 (H8794) virgin...
The final burden is the burden of Tyre and Sidon. These were two
wealthy and powerful seaports on the Mediterranean coast from which
ships went out to all parts of the...
CONTENTS: Burden of Tyre. Desolations preceding the final deliverance
of Israel.
CONCLUSION: The proud boasts of worldly nations, who bid defiance to
their neighbors, will surely be...
Isaiah 23:1. _The burden of Tyre._ This was one of the most ancient
cities of Phœnicia, situate on a rock, seven hundred paces from the
shore, though now joined to the land by the working of the sea....
_The burden of Tyre_
The Tarshish of this chapter is Spain.
Chittim is the island of Cyprus. The word “merchant” is the same
word that is rendered in other places...
ISAIAH—NOTE ON ISAIAH 23:1 The fifth oracle concerns the judgment
and redemption of Tyre.
⇐ ⇔...
THE BURDEN OF TYRE. We hero reach the last of the "burdens"—the
concluding chapter of the series of denunciatory prophecies which
commenced with Isaiah 13:1. It is an elegy "in...
Now in chapter 23 he takes up his burden against Tyre. Tyre was, of
course, a seaport town. It was the area... The people of Tyre were
known as Phoenicians. And so you who are versed in your ancient
Deuteronomy 28:64; Ezekiel 26:13; Ezekiel 26:14; Ezekiel 27:6;...
Virgin — So he calls her, because she had hitherto never borne the
yoke of a conquering enemy. Zidon — Tyre may be called the daughter
of Zidon, because she was first built and possessed by a colony o...