As a cloud reduces heat, so the *Lord reduces every fear about the enemy.

God prepares a splendid meal

v6 Here on *Mount Zion, the *Lord (commander of heaven’s armies) will prepare a huge meal for all the nations. The rich food will include the very best meat and the finest mature wine. v7 On *Mount Zion the *Lord will suddenly remove the trouble that is like a cloud over all sad people. He will destroy the *shroud that covers all nations. v8 The *Lord God will destroy death for always. He will wipe tears from all faces. He will remove the shame that his people have suffered in all the world. This is what the *Lord has promised. v9 On that day, everyone will say, ‘This is our God! We have been waiting for him to save us. We put our trust in him because he is the *Lord. Now we can be full of joy because he has saved us.’

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