A cornerstone is a very important stone that firmly unites two walls of a building. The cornerstone stands at the corner of the building, especially the corner of the foundation (base).

• The *New Testament develops this meaning in two ways:

(1) ‘cornerstone’ refers to the *Messiah, that is, Christ (see Ephesians 2:20 and Psalms 118:22). Many *Jews would not believe that Jesus was the *Messiah (see Matthew 21:42 and Isaiah 8:14).

(2) Christians are called ‘stones that are living’. It is as if Christians form a ‘house’ for the *worship of God (see 1 Peter 2:4-8).

• The foundation (base) for a building is under the ground. It is out of sight. But the builder knows that it is there. In like manner, God knows when someone truly trusts him. That trust is like a firm foundation. God uses it like a base as he builds (works in) that person’s life.

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