Isaiah mentions the reaction of other nations to the crisis. The *idols that the nations had were clearly without any power whatever. The nations’ only solution was to make new *idols!

• Isaiah wants to show his people that human effort will never be sufficient. Not even if people encourage each other. Nor if they hope that new home-made *idols will protect them.

• For Isaiah’s opinion about people who are foolish enough to trust in *idols, see Isaiah 44:9-20.

Do not be afraid

v8 But you Israel, you are my servant. You are the people that I chose. You are the family of Abraham, my friend. v9 You are the people that I rescued from distant countries. I called you from the furthest parts of the earth. You are still my servants. You are the people that I chose. I have never given you up. v10 Do not be afraid. I will be with you. Let nothing frighten you, because I am your God. I will give you strength. I will help you. v11 Yes, any who oppose you will be ashamed. They will completely fail. Any who attack you will come to nothing. (In other words, their efforts will be hopeless.) They will just disappear. v12 You may search for those who oppose you. But you will not be able to find any. Those who fight against you will be as nothing. They will vanish. v13 Because I, the *Lord your God, give you power. It is I who tells you never to be afraid. I myself will be there to help you.

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