Kedar and Sela were cities in the country called Edom.

• Relations between the nations called Israel and Edom were never good (see my note on Isaiah 34:5). So it is wonderful that even these two nations can share in the universal joy at the *Lord’s victory (success in battle).

God will help his people

v13 The *Lord marches into battle like a fierce champion. Like an angry soldier he shouts loudly as he charges into the fight. He shows no fear whatever. He will overcome his enemies. v14 ‘For a long time I have been silent’, says God. ‘I have been still. I have not acted. But now I shall cry out like a woman as she gives birth. As if I were struggling for air. v15 I shall destroy mountains and hills. I shall cause all their trees and plants to be so dry that they die. I shall reduce their rivers to mere pools. Then I shall dry up the pools. v16 But I shall never leave my people. I shall lead those who are blind along new ways. I shall take them by paths that they have never travelled before. I shall turn their darkness to light. And I shall make the rough places smooth. All this is what I shall do for them. I shall never leave them. v17 But all who put their trust in any sort of *idol as their god will be completely ashamed.’

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