The people from Israel are the *Lord’s witnesses. They know that he alone has saved his people in the past. He alone can save them in the future. He alone has total control of their situation.

Escape from Babylon

v14 This is what the *Lord says. (He is the Holy God of Israel. He is your Rescuer.) ‘People from Israel, for your benefit I shall send someone with an army to attack Babylon. The army will destroy all that protects the city. Then what had once been shouts of joy by Babylon’s inhabitants will change to cries of despair. v15 I am the *Lord, your Holy God. I am he who created Israel as my people. I am Israel’s king.’

v16 Long ago the *Lord made a road through the sea for his people. He made a path for them through the deep waters. v17 Then the *Lord urged Egypt’s chariots and horses to pursue the *Israelites. But it was only so that the *Lord could destroy that great army in the sea. He ended their lives, as someone might put out a candle. v18 But do not think only of what happened long ago. Do not keep in your thoughts only events in the past. v19 ‘See! I am going to do something completely new. Even now it is beginning to happen. Surely you can see it. I am going to make a road for you through the desert. I am creating rivers in the bare (empty) country. v20 Even the wild animals that live in these dry places will give me honour. Because I am supplying water in the desert and rivers in bare places. So my people will be able to drink. They are the people whom I chose. v21 They are the people that I formed for myself. They will praise me in song.’

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