The intention of the *Lord’s ‘comfort’ is to convince the *exiles that their future will be happy and peaceful.

• The state of the people’s relationship with God affects the state of the rest of the world that God created (see Isaiah 44:21-23; see also Colossians 1:20).

God will govern the world

v4 The *Lord says, ‘You are my special people. You are the nation that I chose. So listen carefully to what I say. My law will cause justice (fair judgements) to shine like a light for every nation in the world. v5 At the right moment, I will arrive suddenly to save them. That moment is near. I myself will rule the nations. Distant countries are waiting for me. They are expecting me to save them. v6 Look up to the sky. The sky could disappear like smoke. Look down to the earth. The earth could become like a piece of cloth that insects are eating. The inhabitants of the world could die like flies. But I will always be able to free the prisoner. My power to save will never end.

v7 Listen to me, you people who know about right judgements. Continue to keep my law safely in your hearts. Then you will not be afraid of the fierce words of those who hate you. Then you will not allow their evil plots to frighten you. v8 Because insects will eat them, as if they were mere bits of wool. But my triumph (total success) will last for always. And my power to save will continue until the end of the ages.’

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