Isaiah’s list of wicked deeds is a great shock to the people. They suddenly recognise that they are guilty of all those actions. Now they can understand why the *Lord is not helping them. But merely to understand was without value, if it did not bring about a change of behaviour! (See verse 16.)

God will act

v16 The *Lord saw that nobody was willing to do anything to stop the wicked behaviour. The failure astonished him and filled him with disgust. So the *Lord himself decided to act. He would rescue his people by his own power. v17 He will wear *justice like a soldier’s strong coat. And he will put on his power to save like a helmet (strong hat). Fierce anger and complete success will be his clothes. v18 God will punish his enemies for all the evil deeds that they have done. Even those who live in distant countries will suffer from his fierce anger. v19 All nations from east to west will be afraid of the *Lord and his immense power. He will act like a vast river that floods the land. And like a powerful wind that makes flat everything in its path.

v20 The *Lord tells his people, ‘I am coming to rescue *Jerusalem. And to save all of you who turn back from your wicked behaviour.’ This is what the *Lord declares. v21 The *Lord says, ‘I make a serious promise. I will give you my Spirit and my instructions. These will be my gifts to you and to your future families for all time.’ This is what the *Lord declares. Verse 16

The *Lord’s people were those that God had chosen to carry out his great purpose. The people had not realised why God had chosen them. It was not simply for their own benefit.

• God’s purpose was for his people to be his witness to all the nations of the world. His people were to show by their lives how the holy God wants all people to live. And to show what wonderful benefits would follow when people obey him.

• The people’s evil behaviour meant that their lives had no value whatever as God’s witness.

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