As picture words, ‘ships, clouds, birds, nests’ describe a busy scene of action. Former enemies are now eager to bring back harmony and beauty to the city that once they tried to destroy. They do not stop to wonder why they have changed their attitude. It was the *Lord who caused this to happen.

Enemies will rebuild *Jerusalem

v10 ‘Foreigners will rebuild the walls of *Jerusalem. Foreign kings will be your servants. Because of my anger,’ says the *Lord, ‘I punished you. But now I am showing you great kindness. And I am comforting you. v11 The gates of *Jerusalem will always remain open. They will never shut, in the daytime or during the night. Because continuously, people will be bringing great gifts into the city. And foreign kings will personally deliver to you the wealth of their nations. v12 Any nation or country that does not serve you will end. Enemies will completely destroy those nations. v13 Valuable wood from the rich forests in Lebanon will come to you. The wood will help to make my holy *Temple beautiful. And it will give honour to the place where I stand.’

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