The ‘God whose name is Truth’ means ‘the *Lord is always true to his promises’. His people can trust him completely at all times. In the original language, the word ‘Truth’ is ‘Amen’ (see 2 Corinthians 1:20; Revelation 3:14).

• The ‘troubles’ of these people are what they had suffered because of previous bad behaviour. But now these people have turned to God. That changes the situation.

What God will create

v17 ‘See! I am creating new heavens and a new earth. People will not even remember what happened in the past. v18 Be full of joy, because of what I am doing. For I am creating New *Jerusalem, a city that is full of happy people. v19 And I too will be full of joy, because of *Jerusalem and all its inhabitants. There will be no more tears in the city and no more cries for help. v20 Neither will a baby die in the city after a life that lasts for just a few days. Nor will there be an old man who does not live a long life. It will be normal for a young man to live to the age of 100 years. If someone did not reach the age of 100 years, people would suppose that person’s death to be God’s punishment. v21 People will build houses and they will live in them. They will plant *vineyards and they will enjoy the wine. v22 They will not build houses, only for other people to occupy them. Nor will they plant *vineyards, only for other people to enjoy their fruit. My special people, the people that I chose, will live to be as old as great trees. And they will long enjoy what they themselves have produced. v23 Their labour will not be in vain. Nor will they have children who suffer unhappy fates. But the children will share their parents’ good gifts from the *Lord. v24 Before they call to me, I will have the answer ready. While they are still speaking, I will have replied. v25 The *wolf and the lamb (young sheep) will eat grass together in the same field. The lion and the ox (farm animal) will eat straw from the same box. The snake will have dust to eat! No animal or person will cause pain or death anywhere on my holy mountain.’ This is what the *Lord has declared.

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