The *Lord uses picture language to emphasise an important truth. In real life, for a mother to give birth without pain cannot happen. Were it to take place, it could only be by the *Lord’s powerful action.

• The *Lord does not perform his purpose only partly and then stop. What he begins, he always finishes.

God’s wonderful kindness to *Jerusalem

v12 This is what the *Lord says: ‘You will see! I will cause health and goodness to be like rivers that pour continuously over her (*Jerusalem). And the wealth of nations will enter her like a great river that floods. You will be like a child that its mother gently nurses. She will carry you with her arms. With sweet love, she will play with you on her knee. v13 As a mother comforts her little child, so I myself will comfort you,’ says the *Lord. ‘And it will all happen in your home city called *Jerusalem. v14 When you see *Jerusalem again, your heart will fill with joy. You will be strong and healthy, like fresh grass in the spring. All nations will see the work of the good hand of God upon those who obey him. And all nations will also see the result of his great anger upon his enemies.’

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